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Successfully celebrate the Lunar New Year 2025 with the virtues of BLACK TOURMALINE

January is always a strange mix: a hint of enthusiasm for new projects, a pinch of nostalgia for the Christmas holidays gone by, and sometimes the pressure of new resolutions made in a hurry on Christmas Eve.

But this year, everything will change. Why? Because you will arm yourself with an infallible ally: Black Tourmaline . Considered "THE" stone of builders, it is the ideal companion to start 2025 with strength, serenity and structure. Get ready to discover how it can transform your good resolutions into real accomplishments.

Successfully celebrate the Lunar New Year 2025 with the virtues of BLACK TOURMALINE, it's now!

A Black Tourmaline Elixir on a Tree Trunk

Black Tourmaline, it is the "Stone" of projects that come true! Successfully celebrate the Lunar New Year 2025 with the virtues of BLACK TOURMALINE!

You know those beginnings of the year when everything starts with a good intention that ends up in the dusty drawer of forgotten projects? Black Tourmaline is here to break this cycle. With it, there are no half measures. It is a stone that says:

“We organize, we build, we succeed.”

And yes, it is perfect for this month of January , because it brings exactly what we need at this time of year: stability, protection and pragmatism .

The Elixir “Black Tourmaline”,

a solid energy to Build Your Balance!

The role of the root chakra

root chakra
Chakra Racine

Linked to the root chakra , black tourmaline acts as an energetic cement. The root chakra is like the command center of your inner security. If you feel like everything is going in all directions, it's probably because it needs a good boost. Good news: black tourmaline is there for that. It helps you stay firmly anchored, even in the midst of emotional storms and endless "to-do lists".

Black Tourmaline is a “Super Hero”: Structures and Protects

A structure to help you achieve your resolutions

Let’s be honest, how many of your January 2024 resolutions are still relevant? Exactly. With Black Tourmaline, forget about empty promises. This stone encourages you to structure your goals realistically. Not “I’m going to run a marathon in February,” but rather “I’m going to walk 30 minutes every day to start.” It’s practical, effective, and uncompromising , like a personal trainer in an impeccable black suit.

Protection against distractions

Toxic energies, whether from your surroundings or your own mind, can quickly sabotage your plans. Black tourmaline acts as an energetic firewall , blocking bad vibes before they invade your mental space. Your grumpy colleague? Your parasitic thoughts? Hop, out. You are free to focus on what matters.

A Guide to Mental Clarity

Have you ever felt lost, as if your mind was a jumble that you can’t sort out? Black tourmaline is like the spiritual version of a high-fashion tidying expert: it elegantly organizes your thoughts, eliminates bad vibes and leaves room for perfectly aligned energy, so you can focus on what really matters.

A Builder’s Energy, even for the biggest procrastinators!

Black tourmaline is especially helpful for those who have trouble turning their ideas into actions. It reminds you that every little step counts and pushes you to move forward, even when the temptation to stay under the covers is strong. With it, no procrastination. Only concrete, realized and achievable actions.

What If We Talked About Resolutions for a Successful Passage with Black Tourmaline & Its Benefits of the Lunar New Year 2025?

A woman writes down her resolutions

Resolution #1: Organize Your Life

Do you have a brand new calendar, but it remains desperately empty? Take a Black Tourmaline Elixir and feel the magic happen. This stone encourages you to prioritize, plan, and above all, keep your commitments .

Man walking in the forest

Resolution #2: Take Time for You

Black tourmaline is not only a stone of hard work. It also knows how to remind you of the importance of isolating yourself to recharge your batteries. With it, learn to say "no" without feeling guilty and to preserve your personal space.

Protective bubble around a man
Tourmaline noire, un pare-feu énergétique

Resolution #3: Free Yourself from Negative Energies

January also means the return of unnecessary stress. By placing the energy of a Black Tourmaline in your environment, you create an energetic shield that repels anything that could harm your balance.

Amber always accompanies “black stones”

in order to optimize their actions!

If Black Tourmaline is the stoic general of your energetic army, Amber is its sun. This duo works wonderfully, balancing rigor and warmth. While Tourmaline structures and protects, Amber illuminates your path with its warm softness. Their synergy is perfect and I would even say indispensable.

  • Soften the hard times.

  • Give you motivation in times of doubt.

  • Rebalance your energy between pragmatism and joy.

How to Use the Benefits & Virtues of Black Tourmaline & Amber

1. In the morning

Black Tourmaline Elixir CrystalÔ
Elixir de Tourmaline Noire CrystalÔ

The Elixir Black tourmaline is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, it is the first thing you do when you get up, at the rate of a whole pipette, or the equivalent of 3 pacifier presses under the tongue. It is in the morning that the memory capacity is the most important and the strongest.

CrystalÔ Amber Elixir
Elixir d'Ambre CrystalÔ

2. In the evening

Just before going to bed, and of course you are not fasting, L'Élixir Ambre is taken, at a rate of one whole pipette, the equivalent of 3 pacifier squeezes, under the tongue.

3. Duration

These two Elixirs are taken together until the end of the two bottles (approximately 42-45 days)

All you have to do now is adopt a “Black Tourmaline Virtues & Benefits” Philosophy for the new lunar year 2025!

If January 2025 is to mark a turning point, Black Tourmaline is the cornerstone of your ambition! This upright position, this plumb line, this verticality will accompany you throughout this year in order to build something solid, beautiful, and above all, lasting.


Maison CrystalÔ wishes you all the best for happiness, joy of life, and pleasure for this new year 2025!

Naturopathically yours, Frederic

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